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Observador convicto

Observador  convicto


sábado, 3 de julho de 2010

"... Unto you that fear My name the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in his wings: go forth and leap like calves released from the stable" (Mal 4:2). And never more pain, neither sorrow, nor plague, no hospitals, no cemeteries, no death, nor rumors of war, or nation against nation, nor hunger, no wars, no terror or violence, not sex crazed, nor AIDS, nor corruption, nor men fainting with terror by the expectations of things that will happen, no anguish, no perplexity among the nations, nor sin, nor war against God, or signs in the sun or heat of the sun, nor flood, nor hunger, nor thirst ... The homeland of the saved shall never penetrate anything contaminated, no one who practices abomination and lying, and never will be no more curse, no night, no light of lamp or sun shine and the Lord will reign over them.

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