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sábado, 3 de julho de 2010

U'vrachot Shalom!

Read and Listen to that word.

The path of Thy mitzvot (commandments) will run, picks the Psalmist, "because you give breath to my heart." And in the Talmud we read said Abie .. certainly run into the synagogue, it is written: "Chase the knowledge of God." Said Rabbi Zevid: When I saw the rabbinic scholars running for the Sabbath Torah reading, I thought that desecrated the Sabbath. Then I heard a teaching of Rabbi Tarfon in the name of Rabbi Joshua, ben Levi: "A man should always run when it comes to a mitvá, even on Shabbat, I also started running.
A person delays and slows things down when not sure what it is correct, or is in doubt as to the consequences of his action, oué lazy. The man of faith with a mitvá (commandment) for compliance has no doubt, what he should do is fair and the consequences there will be the best. The true servant of Gd can not delay, because it has much to do.

Baruch Hashem!

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